Preliminary Task Analysis

Codes and Conventions
Chill Magazine

Front Cover

  • Large Title
  • Inset Pictures
  • What's Inside
  • Colour Scheme - red,black,white
  • School Logo in Corner
  • Informal Language

The font on the front cover of this magazine allows the audience to read it. The colour white on the red background makes the writing standout from the magazine drawing the reader in. The use of the white font allows it to become more visible and readable. The use of quotations also allows us to see what is inside without turning a page. This is a good technique as your attention is captured for the rest of the magazine from the front cover. As a lot of people don’t look at this type of magazine, it is important that editor of the magazine to try their utmost to capture his audiences attention straight away. The colour of the background is very bright and in your face. This is a typical convention of a school magazine as it involves children which we normally associate with bright colours. However the use of black behind the photos is a very good technique as it allows the photos to stand out from the background making them more visible to the reader.

Using a colour scheme of only 3 colours helps simplify the front cover as too many colours can be seen a cluttering the page. It could be that these colour are the same colous of this schools' uniform, which would identify this magazine to anyone outside the school, which school it belongs too. The three colours also go together, this makes the first glance of the front cover appealing and easy to look at.

There are a number of photos on this school magazine. This is not a normal convention for a magazine as there is no main picture that takes up at least 2/3 of the front cover. Instead the use of smaller pictures allows the intended reader to view more of what is inside. This is an advantage as a school magazine changes its content all the time unlike a music magazine which always contains the same genre of writing. The photos are all taken in a mid to long shoot so the viewer can see exactly what is happening in the picture and what the article could be about just from the photo.

The students used in the photos are all involved in some sort of activity making the magazine livelier. They are all also looking directly looking at the camera, this gives us the impression of them actually being there and it makes the picture stand out as the looking directly at us through the photo.

The rule of 3rds applies to this magazine, however not all the conventions of it are the same as what we normally see. We do read the front cover from left to right, going from the title of the magazine in one corner to the photo of girls in the bottom corner. We can see the division of the magazine, this helps the magazine as, the rule of 3rds appeals to people when they view the front cover, and with it being a school magazine that not many people will want to read, having an appealing front cover, all ways helps the rest of it along.

The informal language used helps relate to children who will be reading the magazine, it allows them to understand what is bing said as it contains more of their language. The title 'Chill' express how much informal language this magazine contains. The language modernises the magazine which can be seen the 'download free' in the top right corner. It shows that the school knows how many children's homes now contain a computer and instead of using paper, it can be downloaded onto their screens at home.


  • Large title
  • One picture
  • Page numbers and their contents
  • Colour scheme - red, black, white 

The contents page for this school magazine is very informative, however the language used is still informal, inkeeping with the front cover. The title 'whats going on?' is'nt what you'd normally find on a contents page, however as it is a magazine desinged for school children, this is what you could expect to find.

There is only on photo on this page, which is common on most contents pages, however normally they are larger. Like the front cover, it gives a sneak peak to what is inside of the magazine. This again captures the designed audience for the magazine 

The normal connation of a contents page is that it tells you exactly were everything is in the magazine. For instance the page number. This is purely to help the reader find the article they may want to read. However it isnt just a page number and the title of the page thats there. Today under post page titles give a preview of what article you could expect under a certain page title.

The colour scheme is exactl the same of the front cover. This inkeeping the design of the magazine throughout. Again the black is to make text or pictures stand out from the bright red background we associate with children of a school age. The white font is there just because it makes it easier to read what has been written.