Comparing Initial Ideas to Rough Cuts

Front Cover
I have made some changes from my inital ideas of my front cover to my rough cut. Even though I have kept my idea of having 3 models. I have changed from having 3 males ones to 2 males and one female. This is due to who was willing to model for my magazine. I have also changed the positioning of my inside stories. I did however said that these would change as in my inital idea, I didn't like it. I have however kept the band name in the same place. And as you can see I went with my favourite name 'Fallen Sound'. I have also kept my title/logo the same as my inital idea. I actually like it more now that I have put it in photoshop and made it look professional.

Contents Page

My contents page layout has stayed the same from my inital ideas to rough cut. However it may not have worked out as well as I planned. I don't partically like the fonts I have used for my rough cut either. They just don't go somehow. The photos I have taken as well don't seem to have turned out as I expected. I was a bit rushed towards my deadline which explains the stretched look to some of them. I seem to have alot of empty space which wasn't on my inital ideas either. My contents page at the moment is probably the page out of my magazine that I don't like. It is probably the closest to my inital ideas and that somehow has made it my least favourite as I can't find any way to improve on it. 

Double Page Spread

This along with my front cover has gone very well. I have stuck to my inital ideas but just improved on them. The band image is the same as what I initally said as well as the positioning of the text and title. However when actually putting this idea on the screen I found that I couldn't really see the text I had written due to the photo background and the colour scheme I have chosen therefore I have put a white box around the text so it can be seen and easily read. I have also finished my analysis and after researching all of my model magazines I found that they had a quote from the text in the middle of the main text. I have used a drop letter at the beginning of the introduction which is also a common feature of a double page spread. I have used the branding in the position I said but I somehow don't like it in that position anymore now that I see it on a screen.