Diary Entry, Week 1

11th February

This week my task was to create my preliminary task; school magazine. As a far as practice goes it came in very useful to help me become more at home with using photoshop. I learnt when and where to use certain tools eg. opacity tool and how to create a shadow behind certain pieces of writing to make them stand out. This is called gaussian blur.  I have only used photoshop a couple of times, so this was excellent practice for me. Having a deadline to meet was also a good taster. It showed me how much, and which pace I'd have to work at in future. The pressure that is put on us however is something I'll have to deal with, as I get stressed very easily.
At the beginning of the week, I started out by planning exactly how my magazine would look eg. a rough draft. Then I moved on to taking the photos I would need for my magazine. In this I learnt that you need to adjust the shutter speed in certain lights. Making my magazine, was pretty easily after that as I had my plan and a rough picture in my head. I found that this preliminary task was very helpful, and a good starter for me.