Rough Cut Feedback

After meeting my rough cut deadline, we evaluated eachothers work in class. We gave feedback to our classmates to help them improve on their work. This is the feedback I received from 14 members of my class:

Front cover

What do you like about my project at this stage?
  • Guitar pick logo
  • The font used
  • The title of the magazine
  • Black and red boxes with writing in
  • The colour scheme
  • The plain background
  • Layout
  • Font used on my magazine title
What could be improved?
  • Image/photo
  • Looks too empty
  • Top right corner is abit blank
  • Photo is too bright
  • More stories on the page
  • Photo isnt clear to look at (cant see features on the models faces)
  • More writing needed
  • Its quite plain
  • White glow need inside the band name not just around it
  • Lower case font
  • More features
Contents Page

What do you like about my project at this stage?
  • Font
  • 'Inside this Week'
  • Boxes with page numbers
  • Good sub-headings
  • Layout
  • Boxes around the photos
What could be improved?
  • Photos looked stretched
  • Photo are too bright
  • Awkward positiong of photos
  • Looks too empty
  • Too bland/too much space
  • Darker font so it stands out more
  • Hard to see the photos
  • 2 photos of the same band
  • More stories
  • Centre image too stretched
  • Different font for 'Inside this week'
  • White spaces need filling
  • More variation of angles needed in photos
  • Font needs to be consistand and same size (attention to detail)
Double Page Spread

What do you like about my project at this stage?
  • Text/language
  • Layout
  • Costume
  • Quote inbetween the writing
  • Layout of the article and separating lines
  • Background of photo with the white text box
  • The 'F' drop capital
  • Separation between the text and image
  • Better picture on this page
  • Font colour
What could be improved?
  • The photo doesn't look like a band
  • Don['t have the band name as a title (never happens in professional magazines)
  • Bigger title needed/larger font
  • Image is too bright
  • Match colour scheme with the photos on my page
  • The font of the title is quite plain
  • Cut out image
  • Imagine looks to similar to front cover
  • Larger quote
  • Maybe a lower opacity on the white box under text
  • Fonts (title and quote)
  • Fill quote into the box
  • Justify text
  • Photos look stretched
  • Emphasis title

Looking at the feedback I have recieved I can now see what I need to improve on for my final cut of my magazine. For my front cover the main things I need to improve on are: my image and the empty space to be filled with more text. I plan on changing my image I have used for my rough cut front cover for a more interesting photo. For my contents page the main things I need to improve on are: Filling in the empty space, adding more stories and taking better photos. Again I plan on taking better photos which will help with improving my stories and therefore the empty space. For my double page spread, people recommended that I improve on: the font, image and the layout. The font I really need to think about and look back at my style models for inspiration. The layout will sort itself out when I take a new photo for this page which should fill more of the page.
I am really grateful for the feedback I have been given as it is going to help me improve my magazine and it lets me see what others are thinking of my magazine when they first look at it, which is key when selling a magazine.