Diary Entry, Week 2

18th February

This week we started analysing front covers, contents pages and double page spreads of music magazines under our chosen genre. This is to find out what the common connotations of these type of magazine, meaning we can modify some of the connotations to fit our magazines. We are also analysing them to see what attracks a target audience to read the magazine. This week I also came up with my inital ideas for my music magazine after looking at professional magazines.

Regarding my target audience, I really need to know what is my target audience would like to see and read about. Therefore I started my audience research this week. I sent out a questionnaire to people in the age range of my target audience. I also interviewed a couple of people, which I filmed for future reference. This has really helped me as I can refer back to what people would like to see and put those into my ideas. It makes my magazine look more professional and hopefully more inviting to the reader.