Magazine Analysis of 5 Front Covers

Looking at this front cover for the first time I noticed that a lot was going on on the page. There is a lot happening which makes it quite interesting. The first thing I noticed was 'Paramore' written in a bold font, capitals and a bight colour to capture your attention.The pink colour doesnt tie in with the colour scheme of black, white and red. This makes it clash with the front cover, emphasising that this band is featuring in this issue. The Capitals symbolises how important this band are in this issue, showing us that this is the feature band this week. The title 'NME' is the next thing you notice. Being in the top left hand corner it is automatically the first thing you read. The red stands out from the page, however it doesn't stand out more than 'Paramore'. The editor may have done this to make sure that his reader know it is the magazine they are looking for but the feature band is what makes his readers pick up and buy the magazine. This feature of using a sans serif font runs throughout the whole of the front cover. It is quite a modern font indicating what the target audience for this magazine is. In my magazine I will try incorporate the large band name over the bottom 3rd, going across all 3 3rds vertically.

The image of the band allows you to see who is the frontman of the band.. in this case Hayley Williams. The structure of image is in order of importance. Also with Hayley being the only female in the band, having her in the front of the picture balances it out.

I really like this Q magazine front cover, regarding what they have done the magazine logo. The way they have made it look like the lead singer of MUSE is smashing the magazine logo with his guitar, portrays just have much this band can get away with anything. The bold, white 'MUSE' stands out from the grey background making it clear this 'MUSE' is the feature band in this issue. The magazine logo 'Q'is written in white with a red background, although these two colours do go together in the context the class allowing the captial 'Q' to be seen from a distance. The feature articles that are inside this issue are written on either side of the magazine. This isnt something that every music magzine does, however as it is inkeeping with the rule of 3rds, it works. The banner at the top of the magazine fills in what would be an empty space. This is filled with some comment which make the magazine sound grand and popular. This is a selling point for the magazine. The barcode is on the other side of the page from the NME front cover. This adds abit of difference to this front cover.


The Mojo magazine is aimed at a slightly older audience. For instance the feature band for this issue is 'The Beatles' which are an older band. This magazine has used the image to hide the magazine logo, which is common in alot of magazines not just music magazines. It is very inkeeping with the sterotypical magazine. The title is in white and capitals, this is purely to catch the readers eye. The colour scheme is also in keeping for what is traditional for a magazine. Only using three colours (White, black, grey) adds a variation but not to the extent where the magazine begins to look messy. The magzine maybe design for an older reader however this front still shows signs of the modern day. The font style is sans serif which is commonly used on mordern magazines. The editor may have used this as he could be looking for a newer audience which is younger .The magazine still satisfys the older readers, but by having a modern font, invites a younger reader to the magazine. Again like previous magazines, the feature band in this case 'The Beatles' takes up all three 3rds vertically. This front cover also contains in the top left hand corner a 'free' inside bubble. I may use this in my magazine as in the corner it is out of the way but still has the sterotypical 'free inside' part which most magazines have on their front covers.

The Word

The Word magazine is designed for a much older audience. For older indie/rock fans from the 60's/70's. You can tell this just by looking at the image used on this front cover. The black and white image implies that the whole aura around this magazine is old. The bands featured in this magazine are also of an older generation. For example 'Maddness' and 'The Beatles'. I do however like this magazine. The font of the title is in serif which gives it an old, worn out look. However with it being the only splash of colour on this front cover, it stands out from what could be seen as a bland photo. This magazine does comply with connotations of a magazine. For instance, part of the photo is obscuring the magazine title  and the feature singer is in a larger font to show the importance of them to this issue. There is no writing in the bottom thid of the front cover. This could of been done because when you first look at a magazine you look at the title and the head of the image. All the writing is around these to features meaning the reader will read them straight away. I however don't like this on a front cover because it makes all the writing look clumped together and cluttered.

The Rolling

The title of this magazine is a pun on the band 'The Rolling Stones'. However it is very inkeeping with the genre of music they publish inside. 'The Rolling Stones' are quite an older band but this magazine isnt. They're featuring band is the 'Kings of Leon' which are a very current band. This indicated towards the sort of articles that maybe inside. Current and up to date.

The rule of 3rd is visable with this front cover. The image is set out in 3rds, making it appeal to the target audience. The writing is also set out in 3rds. The title takes up the top 3rd while 'Kings of Leon' takes up the bottom 3rd. What's inside is in the last 3rd vertically. This means the image takes up alot of the page. This is a good selling point because if your audience can see the band they love on the front cover, they will be more willing to buy your magazine. I like the way they have structured this front cover. Everything has its own 3rd and it works. The front cover doesnt look too cluttered or messy. I will try to use this in my front cover.