Questionnaire Results

Question 1
We can see from this pie chart that most of my target audience would like to see a band on my magazine front cover. Therefore I am going to make up a band and get models to pose as a band for my front cover.

Question 2
From these results I can see that most of my target audience would like to see familiar faces on the front cover of my magazine. However some have said that they would like interesting articles and a strong design. Therefore I will try incorparate these into my magazine.

Question 3
Alot of the people who I asked to fill out my questionnaire said that they would like a stron bold colour scheme throughout my magazine. None of my target audience wanted to see bright or pastel colours in my magazine however 2 people did want to see unsaturated colours.
Question 4
For my double page spread alot of my target audience wanted to read a interview with a band and only 1 said they wanted to read a review of a live concert. By the majority I am going to do an interview as my article.
Question 5
Most of my target audeince would like to read about an interview with a current band that already exsists. However as I am planning on making up my own band, I will look at interview with current bands and use the language they use in those interviews.
Question 6
On my contents page, going by my audience research I am going to put on only articles I feel people wil want to read about for example feature or exclusive artists instead of just putting on all the articles in the magazine.