Diary Entry, Week 6

18th March

This week I have started my rough cuts of my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I have mainly started my contents page as I still need to take photos for my double page spread and front cover. One problem I did hit with my contents page was that I cant use photos I have taken at previous concerts I have been too. This had caused a problem for me as on my contents page I was going to use these photos to support my stories. I may need to re-think my contents page set up now. However this is all part of the making process.. change. I have just started my double page spread with writing and column layout. Im planning on taking my photos early next week, meaning I have as much time as possible to work on the two pages I have left to do.

It harder than I thought it would be. Remembering what every tool does and when to use that tool. Also trying to put the image you had in your head into photoshop is hard as somethings dont work as you expect. Next week I am finishing off my rough cuts for my dealine and taking my photos.