Paper Design of Magazine - Front Cover

This is my first offical inital idea of my front cover. As I am style analysising my style models some of ideas shall change over the project. However I feel I will try to keep the same is the title. I really like what I have thought of. 'IM' stands for Indie Music; the genre of my magazine. Inside a guitar pick which acts as an opatophy is the words 'Indie Music'. I will use only 3 people in my band, which I am going to invent. I'm only using 3 people to keep in the theme of thirds or threes. I like the position of the band name with a quote underneith. However I don't partically like the position I have put the inside stories meaning I will probably change these for my rough cut. I have thought of some name for a band. 'Stroke of Amp' 'Fallen Sound' and 'urban'. My favourtie is 'Fallen Sound' as it does sound Indie.