Paper Design of Magazine - Double Page Spread
For my double page spread. I have chosen to put the image on the left-hand side of the page so the text and title therefore is the first thing you see when flicking through the magazine. I am using the band from the front cover as my double page spread artists as it is the common thing to do. I have decided to put my text into 3 columns bcause after research I have found that 3 coloums (applying to the rule of 3rds) is more appealing to the reader. The band name will be the title of my page which will be in bold and in a large font across the top of the page going across the centre line. I will be putting my magazine title/logo and the issue number and date in the bottom right-hand corner. This branding helps identify the page to the magazine but also as the professional magazines uses this and I want my magazine to be as professional as possible, I am going to use branding as well.