Rough Cut Photos; Before & After

Front Cover
For my front cover photo, I decided to go for depth in the photo, meaning that the models are staggared giving the photo depth. In editing I removed the background that contained some shadows and went with just a plain back ground in my edited version of the photo. I also used the spot healing brush to remove any blemishes there may be on my models. To improve this photo in my final cut I would like to remove the glow on my models faces and possibly go with a more exciting background. The positioning of the models I would also change as there is a rather large gap inbetween my female model and my male model in pink.

Contents Page

This photo I used as my main feature photo on my contents page. My original photo was already bright, so I felt I didn't need to enchance it anymorw. What I didn't realise what that this photo would come out very bright when printed out. My edited version was stretched, which was not a good idea as my models become elongated and unatural looking. To improve on this for my final cut I will retake this photo at a longer distance meaning I dont have to stretch the photo to fit the page.

Double Page Spread

For my double page spread I decided to go for a band shot that was a medium long shot. Unfortunally this meant that the camera caught the top of the white screen and ceiling. This meant that when it came to edit this photo I had to crop it to take away the top of the photo. This however made the image smaller meaning I had to stretch it when I put on my double page spread. What I should have also done however was edited out the shadows that were behind my models. For my final cut photo I am going to carefully edit it and somehow make the image fit better onto the page.