Even though this contents page doesnt look like the front cover, just by the style of the page you can tell that this contents page belongs to an NME magazine. This magazine is very cluttered however there is a structure to it. What is inside the magazine is all over the page, however it is broken up by little separating lines giving the page a structure. The only title is 'inside this week', this allows the reader to acknowledge that is is the contents page and then to browse at their own will. Their page numbers arent in order and not everything has a page number either. The featuring band is in the middle of the page with a large image to support the text. It is common on a contents page to be able to suscribe to the magazine from this page. However NME havn't included that on this contents page. Something I may possibly change on my contents page. I really like the way the have broken up the page and still managed to get alot of information on the page. I will use this in my contents page.
Compared to NME, Q has changed the structure of their contents page. They have put their biggest image on the right hand side, which takes up most of that side. Compared to the colour scheme of the magazine, this image is quite dull and full of pastel colours. This contrasts with the magazine. I like the banner at the top of the page which includes the page title, the magazine logo and the issue date. This look very nice on this page and could be something I could incorporate in my magazine. For the actual contents page this used only two colours: red and black. The page numbers are in red. This is to add abit of contrast the the black writing used throughout this page. All this contrasts with the very plain white background. This gives a simplistic look to the page, however as there is so much going on regarding writing, the page doesnt look too simple. It is quite a modern look that Q have gone for. This is to target the audience this magazine is aimed at. The caption on the image is in a white box, which can be easily seen from the dull green background. This is something I will use in my contents page. It makes this image look all the more professional which all adds up to how professional the page looks.
I really like this contents page, it seems minimalistic but cluttered at the same time. I don't originally like having reviews of the magazine from the reader at the bottom of the page but it somehow works for this magazine. The contents part is well organised and evenly spaces making it look minimalistic however crossing over the middle of the page to the image side, everything seems in disarray. It again however works for this magazine. There is a structure top the pictures as they all contain similar colours. I like how this magazine hasnt gone for a 'Contents' title but has instead used the title of the magazine again. This little feature sets it apart from other contents pages as not many magazines use this technique. However I feel for my magazine I will stick to the tradition 'contents' title. It is a common feature of a contents page and as long as you make it look different, unique and stylish occurding to your style of magazine, it can really work on the page.
The Word
The Word magazine sort of change their style for their contents page. There is a recuring colour scheme from the title of the magazine; red. Most of the page is taken up by a review of a critique or editor of the magazine. This means that there isn't alot room for the actual contents page. There is a small column on the right-hand side of the page, this is for what is inside this issue. The part that readers will want to know about are in bold making them stand out, so the reader can flick straight to that page. There isn't alot of photos on this page which isn't a common thing. However the audience of this magazine is slightly older than the others I am analysising so they could be going for a minimalist look as the reader will not want to look at pretty pictures. Even though this contents page is effect for its target audience, I myself don't really like it and no features stand out from it that I could use in my contents page.
Again you can tell straight away that this is a magazine meant for an older (or an older taste in music) target audience. The main feature of this page is the image on the right hand side. It is very large, therefore eye catching. You can tell that this is meant for an older audience due to the contrast of the image. Being in black and white, it symbloise and age where colour photos werent as common. The posture of the models in the image are also relevent to the time the image was meant to be taken in. I like how the title of this page is the initals of the title of the magazine and then the issue number of the magazine. The issue number is about the only colour on the page, allowing the number to stand out. This maybe to brag how long the magazine has actually been going and how well they are doing. The rest of the page is quite simplistic. Black and white being the main colour scheme. However if it is an older audience they are aiming for with this magazine, they wont be expecting anything flashy on a magazine contents page. Just what's inside. I do however like the simplistic look they have pulled off. It doesnt make the page cluttered.