Diary Entry, Week 9

8th April

This week I really started to push my magazine to make sure it is ready for my final deadline. I'm improving my rough cut of my music magazine into my final cut. Every page has had some improvements done to it. I have done these improvements because of the feedback I recieved after my rough cut deadline. This feedback has really helped highlight the features I need to improve on. In turn this has actually made me like what I have done to my magazine, and the outcome of it on the page.
We also started our evaluations at the end of the week. Although this can't be done properly until we have finished our magazines, I can still put some thought into how I will do my evaluation. I'm thinking about doing either a powerpoint or DVD extras. A powerpoint is more formal and is designed for presentations like evaluations. However a DVD extra would be something new and orginal as I could design it my way and I have previous experience with making films like this. The only problem is, is that is would take a lot of time and I only have 4 weeks to finish it (2 of those weeks being easter).  
Next week I plan on doing the final push of my magazine towards to the deadline, which means I'll be retaking my photos this week.