Final Cut Photos; Before & After

Front Cover

I didn't really need to do anything to this photo. I was pretty happy with it after I had taken it. I have changed the models from my rough cut slightly and gone back to my inital idea of 3 male models. This seems to work better for the genre of my magazine. I simply cut the top of this photo off as it showed the top of the white screen. I also used the healing tool a little on my models as they had a couple of blemishes that were visable. When I put the photo on my front cover all I had to do with adjust the size of it so it fitted the page.

Contents Page

Picture 01

This picture I added after my rough cut as I felt my contents page needed more photos. For this photo all I did was cut out the photo from the background to make it clearer and more professional as the background was not suited for my magazine.

Picture 02

For this picture all I did to it was re-size it to fit the space on my contents page. The reason why I didnt do much editing to this photo was because I took it at a concert and it is in exactly the style I want. It was prefectly suited for it's job.

Picture 03

This photo is I re-sized to fit the space that was designed for this photo. However it does look a little stretched width wise however this is the actual width of the photo. The only re-sizing I did was on the height of the image. I infact made it smaller which could make the width of the image look a little unatural.

Picture 04

This is the last photo on my contents page and is of my feature band. I edited this photo by first cropping of the top of the picture as it showed the seam in the sheet. I then used the spot healing tool to edited some of the blemishes on my models that could be seen. Nothing else had to be done to this photo as I liked it from when I took it to seeing it on the computer screen on my contents page.

Double Page Spread

This photo was one of the ones I took a few days before my deadline. The photos I took that day I really liked because my models actually looked like a band. Therefore the wasnt much I had to edit. Like the rest of the photos I took that day, I had to crop the top of the image off to get rid of the seams that could be seen on the sheet. I then re-sized the image to fit the space I had given this photo on my double page spread. I used the healing tool to get rid of the blemishes on my models faces as this was a more close up image than the one I used in my rough cut and I didnt really want spots and freckles to be seen as I am trying to make my magazine look professional.