Rought Cut - Double Page Spread

For this I received a more positive feedback from my classmates than my other pages of my magazine. This means that for my final cut there shouldn't be a lot that I need to change. It was said that a double page spread doesn't normally contain the band name as a title. However after looking at several magazines of my style model, they are a couple of double page spreads with the band name as a title, therefore I will keep the title but possibly make it more exciting to look at. I also have too many fonts on this page so I am going to shorten the list of fonts by changing the title and quote to similar fonts. I am also going to retake the photo I have used as the Mise-en-Scene of their costumes doesn't make them look like a band. I also want to photo to take up most of the left-hand side of the page, which at the moment it doesn't.