Rough Cut - Contents Page
After my feedback that I received and with my own thought, I feel for my final cut of my contents page I will keep the layout the same as many people said this was a strong point of this page. However I will change the photos I have used. By retaking them I will get rid of the glow that seems to be in each photo and I can put more in making it look like my style model a little bit more. The font I have used for 'Inside this week' I'll change. A lot of people said that they felt this wasn't the right font for this genre and I have to agree. It doesn't fit the style of my magazine. Therefore I will look back at my style models and look for possible alternative fonts to the one I have used for my rough cut for my final cut. The final thing is that everyone said that they liked the colour scheme I had used throughout my magazine. I however feel that this page doesn't have a Strong colour scheme, so in my final cut I'll change a few colours so that the colour scheme becomes more prominent.