Audience Research Questionnaire

I asked several people to fill out a questionnaire and these are the results I got.
     1.   What would you like to see more on the front cover?
·       A Band = 58%
·       An Individual Singer = 42%
2.   What features do you look for on a front cover of a magazine?
·       Strong Design =  28%
·       Familiar Faces = 71%
·       Interesting Articles = 28%
3.   What colour scheme do you associate with an Indie magazine?
·       Strong, Bold colours = 85%
·       Bright colours = 0%
·       Unsaturated colours  = 14%
·       Pastel colours = 0%
4.   What would you like to read on a double page spread article?
·       An Interview with a band/singer = 100%
·       A review of a live concert = 14%
·       An big event about to occur = 0%
·       A feature on a band/singer = 0%
5.   What type of article would you like to read on a double page spread?
·       Up and Coming = 28%
·       Current = 71%
·       Retrospective = 0%
6.   On a contents page do you look for articles you would like to read or all the articles in the magazine?

Articles you would like to read = 100%
All articles in the magazine = 0%